Laurel Hill Baptist Church
Friday, March 28, 2025
Caring for others with the passion of Christ

 Visitor Information

We know folks can be anxious when visiting a church for the first time. Below are questions you as a potential visitor might have. We hope this information helps you feel more prepared for your visit.


Where are you located? 

Click here for our directions page which includes a map. Our physical address is 129 Old Laurel Hill Road, Verona, VA 24482. This works well in most GPS devices. 


What about parking?

There are paved parking lots on both side of the building and a third large paved lot across the road from the building. Handicapped accessible spaces are located in front of the sanctuary and on the east side of the building.


Handicap Accessibility

Parts of our building are somewhat old, but the entire sanctuary and first floor of the educational space are handicapped accessible. Ramps lead from the outside sidewalks to the front entrance and to the entrance on the east side (left side) of the building. There is a handicapped accessible restroom near the east entrance. Our Fellowship Hall which is located in the basement of the building is accessible from a driveway that goes in back of the building. Unfortunately the second floor of our building is not handicap accessible.


Where should I enter?

If you are arriving for worship, enter through the front entrance. Greeters will be there to welcome you. If you are arriving for Sunday School, you may come in the entrances on either side of the building, although you will probably see more activity near the east entrance.


Do you provide childcare?

Childcare is provided during the Sunday School and worship hours.


What activities do you have for youth and children?

We offer Sunday School classes for youth and children. During worship, there is a "Children's Church" time for elementary school age children. In the summer we have a week of Vacation Bible School for children. Once a quarter, children and families get together for a seasonal outing. Our annual Family Christmas Program gets children, youth, parents, and grandparents together to learn new Christmas songs and traditional Christmas carols.


What is Worship like?

Our worship service is blended in style. Usually our Praise Team, using guitar accompaniment, begins the worship time, and on most Sundays our choir presents special music as well. Congregational singing includes both praise songs and traditional hymns. Words for all songs and hymns are projected on a screen during both services. When hymns are sung, hymnbooks are available and hymn numbers indicated for those who prefer to sing from a book. Video clips are sometimes used in the service.


How Do People Dress?

The attire for worship varies. Older members tend to wear traditional “church clothes” while younger members dress more casually.


How Do I Become a Member?

Click here to see information about the procedure and policies regarding membership.